NetWare 3.1x server tech notes May 31, 1996 (as amended)
restarting a Netware 3.1x server from power-on
boot from hard drive
enter server name: MYSERVER
enter IPX network number: 666
load disk driver: load AHA1740.DSK
load NIC driver: load 3C509.LAN
bind IPX: bind IPX to 3C509.LAN
enter network number: 4000
mount the volumes: MOUNT SYS
creating a Netware 3.1x server from scratch
create a small (circa 15Mb) FAT partition using DOS FDISK
format the partition with the DOS FORMAT command, and make it bootable
make a directory called SERVER on drive C:
copy the contents of the licence floppy into C:\SERVER
copy appropriate drivers for network cards and disk controllers etc. into C:\SERVER **
change to the C:\SERVER directory and run SERVER.EXE
enter server name; this must be unique: (example) FS1
enter IPX internal network number: (example) 4000
at server prompt, load disk driver: (example) load c:\aha1740.dsk or load a:\ide.dsk
change any parameters as needed
at server prompt, load the installation program: type load install
select disk options | partition tables | create netware partition
change any parameters as needed, press Esc to continue
Yes to create partition
press Esc to exit the Partition Options screen, and then Esc again to get back to the main menu
select volume options, then press Insert
change any parameters as needed, press Esc to continue
Yes to create volume (this may take some time)
select the volume just created and press Enter
select volume status, press Enter, then select mount volume
repeat these steps to create additional volumes as needed
press Esc to exit the Volume Information screen, and then Esc again to get back to the main menu
select system options | copy system + public files and press Enter
insert floppies or the CD as requested, enter the appropriate path and press Enter
wait for files to be copied, then press Esc to continue
press Ctrl-Esc, choose system console (1) and press Enter
at server prompt, load network card driver: (example) load c:\server\3c509.lan port=6000 ***
at server prompt, bind the IPX protocol to the driver: (example) bind ipx to 3c509 net=2000 ****
once there are no errors here, press Ctrl-Esc, choose install screen (2) and press Enter
select create AUTOEXEC.NCF file from the System Options screen and press Enter
make any changes as needed and press Esc to continue
select Yes and press Enter to save the AUTOEXEC.NCF file
select create STARTUP.NCF file and press Enter
make any changes as needed and press Enter to define the location of the file
make any changes as needed and press Esc to continue
select Yes and press Enter to save the STARTUP.NCF file
Press Esc and exit the install program; down the server, restart it and test!
* The "licence floppy" is a disk with a red Novell sticker that came in the box with the manuals.
** Consult your hardware documentation for a list of the files to copy.
*** There may be multiple steps to loading your network drivers. Consult your hardware documentation for a list of the steps to take here, and the correct parameter syntax for your driver.
**** The network number must NOT be equal to IPX number chosen earlier: (example) 2000
The README.TXT files in the NETWARE directory on most network adapter driver disks usually contains the information needed to install the card in a Novell server or client. If they don't, use a different NIC that documents this process.
if your Novell is on CD, ensure DOS-level CD-ROM drivers, such as OAKCDROM.SYS and MSCDEX.EXE, are loaded during the install
copy any other DOS-based tools you like to keep handy onto drive C:
Use the console command CONFIG to view basic server information
Use the console command LOAD MONITOR to view detailed server information
Use the console command MODULES to view NLM names and versions
Use the console command DOWN to shut down the server gracefully
SBACKUP and PSERVER are used for backup and print server management, respectively
Use ; at the start of the line to create comments in NCF files
Make a small batchfile called GO.BAT to start the server. So you don't need to CD\SERVER etc all the time.
Once the server is stable, make a call to GO.BAT from AUTOEXEC.BAT. Then your server will startup when you power-on the machine.
Once the whole thing is perfect, Ghost the boot partition to an image.
essential patches to 3.12: 312PTd.EXE; NetWare 3.12 Updates - TID2936137
copying a Netware 3.11 server from one hard drive to another
Run BINDFIX from the \SYSTEM directory. This will create *.OLD; copy these onto a work floppy.
Copy *.NCF from the \SYSTEM directory onto the work floppy.
Copy NET$LOG.DAT from the \PUBLIC directory to the work floppy.
Copy the Server directory from the DOS boot partition to the work floppy.
Take a note of the servername and serverID.
Back up any user data.
Connect new drive.
Install NetWare.
Log in as Supervisor.
Copy AUTOEXEC.NCF from the work floppy to the \PUBLIC directory.
Copy NET$LOG.DAT from the work floppy to the \PUBLIC directory.
Copy STARTUP.NCF from the work floppy to the \SYSTEM directory.
Copy *.OLD from the work floppy to the \SYSTEM directory.
Run BINDREST from the \SYSTEM directory.
Logout, down server, reboot.
user validation check (batch file)
Note: I didn't have STAMP back then, but I wish I did ...
@echo off
rem PROOF 1.3 (c) 1993-2001 Stuart Udall
rem PROOF checks user logins on Novell 3.11 networks.
rem This batch file will check both for a successful file server connection
rem (by checking for F:*.*) and for successful network login. If either fail
rem it will either abort or ask the user to try again, respectively. This is
rem Especially useful for users that type their name wrong and then wonder why
rem Windows won't print to the network printer. PROOF logs errors to
rem PROOF requires STAMP.COM (prints date, time and message on screen). If
rem without it, change references to "stamp" to "echo".
rem note: start LSL.COM, network driver (eg. 3C509.COM), and IPXODI.COM prior
rem to executing PROOF.BAT, such as in AUTOEXEC.BAT
rem To contact the author, visit
rem Insert network shell command below
if exist f:*.* goto loggin
echo Network connection failure! Please contact the system administrator.
stamp !NETERR Network connection failure >> C:\NETWORK.LOG
goto end
if exist f:\public\*.* goto loggedin
echo Network login failed. Please try again.
stamp !USRERR Attempt to login with bad username. >> C:\NETWORK.LOG
goto loggin
rem Successful login; proceed