Not getting anywhere with good, old-fashioned BS? Try these!
fallicae moving targetus
Constantly interrupt the speaker with an ever-changing series of irrelevancies, until he gives up making, or forgets, his point.
fallicae servicae terminatum
Throw so many questions and queries at the speaker that he gets confused as to which to answer; follow this with a quick momentus interruptus.
fallicae momentus interruptus
Ask a difficult question, and allow the speaker just one phrase - while he pauses for breath, ask another question (see: moving targetus).
fallicae groupus ridiculi
Ask a loaded question, wait for the speaker to attempt a reply, no matter what he says, reply with a comment that deliberately overstates his position, to the point where it causes mirth amongst the group, thus unsettling the speaker.
fallicae distractae humourus
When the speaker makes a valid point, immediately reply with an irrelevant joke, thus denying the group the opportunity to consider the reply, and focusing attention away from the speaker.
fallicae conflatus hypocritae
When the speaker makes a valid point, confront him with one of his own apparently contradictory views, despite the fact that this view is totally unrelated to the point made; this forces him to justify this other view, and focuses attention away from the valid point made.
fallicae rumourninnuendo
Undermine a speaker's arguments by spreading false and misleading information about his views before he even starts talking.
fallicae refuseniki
Don't bother to read the speaker's sources. This will mean you keep asking the same questions, and he has to waste time making the same replies. It also lets you recycle the same arguments you used last time. This is great for ensuring that new ground is never covered.
See also: