- Stuart Udall does not guarantee the suitability or fitness of the content of these webpages for any particular purpose, nor the availability, consistency or reliability of any particular page or function; and discharges all liability for any and all damages arising from their use.
- Third-party content providers are responsible for some of the content on this site, including but not limited to promotional material. These third parties are not under my control and I am not responsible for the actions of these third parties or their content.
- The content of this site is not at all influenced or biased by any advertisers or sponsors.
- Unless otherwise stated, the content is the copyrighted property of Stuart Udall. However, you are free to do whatever you want with anything you find.
- included works: I include the selected works of other authors for the purposes of reference and research (I keep a local copy because in the past, documents to which I have hyperlinked have later disappeared). If the presence of your work on this site is inappropriate, email me and I shall remove it immediately. If you are happy to allow me to continue to republish, but your work is inappropriately referenced, or in any other way diminished or tarnished, email me and I shall remedy it.
- Q: Why is information collected?
A: To help me improve my website, and myself :)
- Q: From where is information collected?
A: I collect information from my webserver logfiles, my feedback forms, and from email.
- Q: What information is collected?
A: From the webserver logfiles, for each click, I collect the date and time, remote host or IP address, requested URL (page clicked on), referring URL (page clicked from), and useragent (what software you're using). From the other sources mentioned, I collect whatever you provide.
- Q: What do I do with the information?
A: I download it and analyse it with my computer. I don't store anybody's data on my webserver. I don't share any personally identifying information (your details) with any third parties. I may share non-personal, aggregated data (such as the answer to 'How many people bookmark my homepage per day?') with third parties (such as my sponsors), or indeed publish such statistics on the internet. I may occasionally contact you using an email address you provide.
- Note: While I strive to maintain the security of my service, please be aware that information you send or receive may be intercepted by unauthorised third parties.
- Q: Where can I find out more?
A: If you have any questions about this statement, please contact