subject: Business call for plan on climate posted: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 09:05:50 -0000
[Yes, there are people out there who say "I don't care, I'll be dead"
- not only are these people sociopathic, and not only are they wrong,
but they are now also firmly isolated. The banks have a name for
unsustainable activity - they call it "impeding future growth".
Banks of course can live hundreds of years or more, as can any
company - and that is why business has now gone green. They have
realised that if, in their breakneck sprint for returns, they kill
the goose that lays the golden eggs, there will be no more eggs. So
now they are switching their strategy to one of at least keeping the
old broiler alive. Jolly good. - Stu]
Global businesses have called for a legally-binding and comprehensive
international deal on climate change.
A binding agreement on emissions reductions would encourage business
to invest in low-carbon technologies, a statement from 150 businesses
The statement - backed by Prince Charles - will be sent to
environment ministers and heads of state ahead of talks in Bali on
climate change.
Nokia, Tesco, Lloyds TSB and Nike are among the 150 firms that made
the call.
The signatories represent companies from Europe, the US, China and
Royal support
Action now will stop the worst effects of climate change and at a
fraction of the cost of inaction, the Prince of Wales - whose
Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change led the statement - wrote
in the Financial Times.
"What these signatory companies understand is that the effects of
climate change are irreparable and permanent," he wrote.
"If I have grandchildren one day, I could not bear it if they asked
me: Why did you not do something when it was possible to make a
"These business leaders have asked themselves that same question and
have had the wisdom to recognise that we are doing this for those who
come after us."
The UN is due to hold a conference in Bali on climate change next
week and this latest business communiqué signals greater corporate
awareness of the potential cost of climate change and the need for
business practices to change.
Key is the creation of a legal framework that will encourage them to
invest in environmentally-friendly technologies, the statement said.
"A sufficiently ambitious, international and comprehensive, legally-
binding United Nations agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
will provide business with the certainty it needs to scale up global
investment in low-carbon technologies," the statement said.
Earlier this week, business lobby the CBI called for businesses to
"fundamentally" change their business models to help the UK combat
climate change.
New taxes and regulations are needed to reward climate-friendly
firms, it said.
The UK is likely to miss its carbon reduction targets for 2020 but
could meet its 2050 targets at a manageable cost, the CBI said.