subject: Miliband: 'Time for a green industrial revolution' posted: Mon, 05 Mar 2007 10:40:34 -0000
[It's undeniable - being green is now distinctly cool! Once the
preserve of "greenies" and the loony left, the concept is now being
adopted with enthusiam by business and politics as well as wider
society. This suggests to me that a large amount of money is about
to be invested in this area, and that this is the start of a 'green
boom' a bit like the 'internet boom' before it. Smart cookies will
be able to make a lot of money as they tout their latest blue-sky
plans for blue skies. There may even be a 'green crash' as stocks
overinflated by speculation and hyped by the promises of "smaller,
faster and cleaner" are revalued. And so is the way of the world...
at last, humans are placing an economic value on the quality of the
environment, a development that will have profound implications, and
may permanently change the way we live and think. And praise be to
that. - Stu]
Miliband: 'Time for a green industrial revolution'
By Ben Russell, Political Correspondent
Published: 05 March 2007
Britain needs a new industrial revolution to transform itself into
the low carbon economy needed to make radical cuts in greenhouse gas
emissions, David Miliband, the Environment Secretary, will say today.
He will call for drastic action to cut oil consumption to combat the
"humanitarian emergency" of global warming. And Mr Miliband will
insist that Britain needs to pioneer new technology such as
"capturing" carbon emissions from power stations, developing biofuels
and new electric cars, and to radically cut demand for domestic power
to hit the Kyoto target to cut carbon by 60 per cent by 2050.
The Environment Secretary will use a lecture at Cambridge University
to call for radical action to transform the economy as he prepares to
publish a draft Climate Change Bill next week. The Bill will set out
tough interim targets for cutting emissions and commit the Government
to an annual progress report to increase political pressure for
change. Ministers have ruled out binding annual targets for cuts in
carbon dioxide emissions as unworkable, but insist that they will
have tough interim benchmarks to ensure there is no let-up in the
drive to cut greenhouse gases. Sources said that a full Climate
Change Bill will be debated by MPs before the autumn, possibly before
Mr Miliband will say: "In the 19th century, Britain pioneered the
transition to an industrial economy. The Industrial Revolution
brought together invention and science, a culture of enterprise, and
political leadership from our great cities and national government.
In the 21st century, we are again a transition economy. We need the
same combination if we to make a new transition: from a high carbon
to low-carbon society.
"We need political leadership at a local, national and European level
prepared to make bold, long term, decisions."
He will add: "It is clear finally that if we carry on with business
as usual, with more countries growing in wealth and population, the
stock of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will increase
dramatically, with catastrophic consequences."
He will argue that the "vast majority" of carbon emissions must by
covered by a global carbon market.
Mr Miliband will praise the Swedish government for setting up a
commission on oil independence which aims to cut petrol consumption
by 50 per cent by 2020 and called on Britain to create a "post-oil
economy" within 15 to 20 years. And he will call for all new coal-
fired power stations to be capable of using carbon capture technology
and the promotion of wave, wind and solar generation.