quality and technology in the business environment
March 6, 1997 (as amended)

Quality management principles empower organisations by facilitating organisational learning. Quality processes such as feedback and teamwork let employees learn from each other, while the quality process of documentation records this learning. The scalability of the teams approach means that teams of teams can collaborate, and learn, and document, which then allows knowledge to spread throughout the organisation.

Quality management also includes the principle of continuous incremental improvement. This idea proposes that change be effected not in great leaps, but one step at a time.

Technology can create avenues for organisational empowerment by facilitating collaboration between employees who do not share the same point in space and time. This means that a team, constructed of employees from all over the globe, can learn forever.

Feedback can also be gathered from customers.

Customer-centricity can help a firm by keeping products and services relevant to the market. Products that are not relevant will not be purchased, while partially relevant products will only be purchased sometimes. Anything less than perfectly relevant products - which, of course are unachievable - represent a loss to the firm, proportionate to the degree of relevance of those products. In order to minimise this loss, the firm should strive to maximise relevance.

To maximise relevance, and thus long-term organisational sustainability, the firm must strive to best sense, and adapt to, the environment. Here are a few suggestions to work towards this goal:

for management

for marketing