These should at least be a good start for wireless tools on the free side. Commercial tools are also
available for
802.11 assessments, such as AiroPeek NX, AirMagnet, or Network Instruments, and one for Bluetooth from
AirDefense called
Consulting Services, Team Leader
FishNet Security
-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Fullerton [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 3:59 AM
To: RoF@yahoo; Pen-Test
Subject: Wireless Scanning
I'm currently looking for a tool (or compliment of tools) to perform
Wireless Scanning during a Pen test. My plan is to Scan first for the
presence of 802.11(whatever), bluetooth, spycams, bugs, etc. Once these are
detected, then each of the items found can have their security tested. My
goal of being able to do this is to Take a good security audit methodology
(such as the OSSTMM) and scale it down for small to medium business
Can any one recommend tools that they have used to detect these items?
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